AccountSettingsActivity |
Controls the account settings options and menus.
AddTransactionActivity |
Add transaction and upload to Firebase + display controller.
BuildConfig |
ContactUs |
Display menu backed for reaching out to the dev team from the navbar options.
Day_wise_visualization |
Visualisation class for showing the spending pattern in graphs.
EditProfileActivity |
Controller for the profile editor class.
EditTransaction |
View page for edit transaction + backend to manage database history of modified transactions.
EmailSender |
This class is a async task to send emails using the MailJet API.
HomeActivity |
Main entry point to the app.
LimitEmailSender |
Utility task class for sending email notification when transaction limits are hit.
LoginActivity |
Landing screen view of the application.
MonthWiseVis |
NavShowAnalysis |
Navigation class to show visualizations
ProfileActivity |
Rate |
ResetPasswordActivity |
Activity for resetting the password
SearchProduct |
Used to search a product
SetLimitActivity |
This class can be used to define and set the user limits
ShowTransActivity |
Acitivity that sets all the transaction related fields
SignupActivity |
This class handles the Signup Activity of any user
SMSDBFetchActivity |
This Class fetches all transaction data from the database for the current user.
SMSReaderActivity |
This activity reads SMS to add transaction in the application.
SMSTransacShowActivity |
Show Categorised and un Categorised transactions in main menu.
Suggest |
This class is used to handle user suggestions.
TabFragment |
Handles fragments in the main menu, to view transactions.
Transaction |
TransactionAdapter |
This activity helps display transactions
TransAdapter |
Manage Transaction viewer in main page
UncategorisedFragment |
Manages uncategorized transactions of the user
ViewPageAdapter |
Manages two tabs in main page for Categorized and un-Categorized
Visualization_all |
Activity to visualize user spending