Class EmailSender

  • public class EmailSender
    extends AsyncTask<Void,​Integer,​Boolean>
    This class is a async task to send emails using the MailJet API. This does not block the main thread and can be used from the UI. The API is rate-limited to 500 emails per day.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EmailSender

        public EmailSender​(String email,
                           String amt,
                           String shop,
                           String cat)
        email - - The email id of the receiver
        amt - - The amount of the transaction
        shop - - The shop where the transaction occurred
        cat - - The category of the transaction
    • Method Detail

      • doInBackground

        protected Boolean doInBackground​(Void... voids)
        Override for the default task related setup.
        Specified by:
        doInBackground in class AsyncTask<Void,​Integer,​Boolean>
        voids - - Leave empty. No inputs expected beyond creation of the object.
        - Returns the status of the email after the execution of the task.